The Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis is a CV step sequencer for Eurorack modular synthesizers aimed at live performance.
Dual 3:1 / 6:1 unity gain mixer (for cv or audio) in 2HP Unity MixerDual 3:1 / 6:1 unity ...
Quad CV Inverter / Audio Buffer in 2HP Each output is a buffered negative version of the ...
The Korgasmatron II Expander module allows for cv control of the q for each filter. An ad...
Buffered Multiple in 2HP Dual 1 x 3 buffered mult (one audio or cv signal in with multipl...
Module A-102 is a reproduction of the legendary low pass filter design that uses diodes in the filter stage as frequency contr...
mehr Kreativit?t und Spa? f?r Dein Modularsystem! Die Produkte von Audiodamage bestechen gleicherma?en durch ihre hochwertige...
Der A-124 ist ein spezielles 12dB-Multimode-Filter, das die eigenwillige Schaltungstechni...
Module A-124 is a special 12dB multimode filter using the "strange" filter circuit of the "EDP Wasp" (an analog synthesizer wi...
Module A-125 (VC Phaser) is a voltage controlled phase shifter. Phase shifting can be controlled either manually or by voltage...